Tuesday, February 11, 2014


     As mentioned when I was explaining the symbols of my tribe, the leaves that we wear represent our age, if we have been outcast, or if we are a servant or leader for the month. The leader leads the tribe for the month, and they are elected every first day of the month by the all of us. Their election depends on what and how many good deeds they have performed over the course of the previous month. The servants of the leader stay the same, unless one dies and they have to be replaced. Class among us does not matter because it defines who we are based on wealth in our community, which can lead to war and conflict amongst all of us.
     Our demographics only are of our age. About 30% of our population is children, 40% are adults, 20% are elders, and the last 10% are the leader and the servants.
     There are several types of rituals we hold. The marriage ritual cannot occur between people with maple leaves, as they are children and are not to be married at that age. We hold a dancing celebration and feast around a fire to celebrate the marriage of the two hobgoblins. The two that are getting married can be man and woman, woman and woman, or man and man. They wear the Flower Bands of Marriage when getting married and perform a Dance of Union around the fire to signify eternal love. We also pray to the Nature Gods for their good health and fortune in marriage. The Day of Thanks is held on the second Wednesday of every month, and this is where we hold a large feast and give food sacrifices to the Nature Gods to thank them for all that they have done. The Leaf Change Day is held when someone is to get their leaf changed. I had mine when I moved from child to adult and got my leaf changed from a maple to an oak. They are also held when a new servant is appointed to serve the leader or when a new leader is elected to lead for the month.
     When one of us dies, everybody must pray to the Nature Gods to treat them well on the day they die at every meal instead of just the normal practice of only praying at dinner. The body of a fellow hobgoblin will be carried across the river and deep into the woods by servants to be buried underneath the roots of the tree that their leaf came from. While there, hobgoblin servants must pray to the Nature Gods for their well-being in their service to the Nature Gods themselves.
     We are a hunting and gathering society. The children hunt and gather most of the food deep in the woods, and the adults can only gather food and not hunt. We can trade with other tribes of hobgoblins nearby, and children are usually the ones that perform this task.
     The life cycle can be explained through what will happen to me throughout the time I am alive. When I was a child, I grew to be older and became an adult and got my leaf changed. When I become an elder, I will also get a leaf change. I have not yet been elected to be leader for the month, but I will also get a leaf change then as well. When I die, I will be prayed for by all the other hobgoblins for my good fortune in serving the Nature Gods.

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